Friday, May 28, 2010

The 29th Floor of a Thousand Cities

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yesterday by Michael J. Crosbie

Yesterday I saw all the ages of man The ancient, the medieval, the modern The dreams, the loves, the intrigues The wind, the rain, and the sea The stars, the moon above an olive tree. Yesterday I spoke to everyone. The heroes, the villains, the lonely ones, The fit, the lame, the blind, Kings, peasants and pages, The old, the hardy of all ages. Yesterday I prayed in the Sistine Chapel And climbed every mountain peak; I posed for a portrait by Rembrandt, Dined with DaVinci, discoursed with Plato, Listened to Mozart, traded epigrams with Cato. Today I ponder all I have seen, Ignore the skeptics and the scron, Though able minds seldom agree, The single thread linking all the ages of man, Is to give of one's love whenever one can.